August 03, 2007

I got my CueCat

I got my CueCat today. That’s the barcode scanner I ordered to make it easier to catalog my books. And I’ve learned a few things about myself tonight. First, I get unreasonably excited by cataloging my books. I know all I’m doing is making a list — but it’s still kind of fun. (Even Molly, who sometimes thinks I’m the biggest dork in the world, thought it was fun to swipe book barcodes and see the book show up on the list.)

Second, I learned I’m a really bad estimator. When I started this project, I thought I’d wind up with 400-500 books. I thought I had about “two dozen” cookbooks.

Well, it turns out I have 64 cookbooks. I have over 500 books in my catalog, and I still have a couple more bookcases to go through. I now think I have closer to 700 books in the house. Maybe more.

And today, with the help of my trusty CueCat, I added 340 books to my catalog. Wow.


Written by Brian Dewey.

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