October 29, 2007

Greenlake Playground

Saturday, Molly & I took Alex to the Greenlake playground. You can see all of the pictures here:


This playground is a good change of pace from our usual haunts, the University Village playground or the Bryant Elementary playground. For one thing, it has swings. Alex loves swings.

Autumn Light

(Yes, you see correctly --- in spite of the crisp fall air, Alex wanted to wear his sandals. He’s quite particular about his footwear these days. And as everyone knows, you can wear socks with sandals and blend in around here.)

This playground also has a few thingamabobs with steering wheels. No matter what it is, if it has a steering wheel, Alex loves it.

Blue Eyes

And even though Alex isn’t in this picture, it’s one of the coolest ones of the day. So here you go. Be sure to check out the other six pictures from the day. Once again, here’s the link:


Stop Motion

Written by Brian Dewey.

© 2021