January 16, 2008

Bright Horizons Toddler Communication Form

When we pick up Alex from daycare, we also get a little form that has his key stats for the day. How long did he nap? How many dirty diapers? How well did he eat? And they also give little descriptions of what happened during the day. Some days they write more than others. I figure I’ll share the more interesting ones for the extended family.

Here’s today’s key info. First, he napped from 11:45 to 2:20. This is way longer than normal for daycare, and probably because he’s been exhausted from the last few days of coughing. And here’s what they wrote:

Alex is becoming more patient & seems to understand if we tell him "it's so-and-so's turn." Alex woke up around 1:00 -- coughing a lot -- he got up off his cot then got back on and fell back to sleep (on his own). Alex wanted a tissue. I gave it to him; he wanted to use it for a diaper on one of the dolls :-) > >

Written by Brian Dewey.

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