September 10, 2008

Happy 3-Month Birthday, Patrick

Patrick turned three months old today. In spite of the chaos that tends to be our mealtimes these days, Molly managed to take a couple of good pictures of him when I got home and before we started putting Alex to bed. Here’s the three boys:

Patrick at Three Months

Things he can do now that he’s three months old:

  • He coos a lot — much more than Alex did at this age. Or at least more than we remember Alex doing.
  • He drools while chewing on his hands.
  • He laughs for mama. I haven’t heard it yet. After laughing, Patrick gets the hiccups. (It was easier to get Alex to laugh. You know, in the picture above, Patrick does look like the serious one.)
  • He’s starting to grab.

Written by Brian Dewey.

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