October 28, 2008

Words to go with pictures

I’ve posted a lot of pictures recently, but I haven’t written many words to tell you the story behind the pictures. Here’s the story behind some of the images.

On Saturday, I took Alex to the zoo. It was just him and me; Molly had the (mostly) sleeping baby at home. We each had a good time. Alex got to see animals, and I got to try out a new lens that would really bring the animals up close:

Siamang Great Horned Owl

One annoying habit Alex has developed at the zoo is a refusal to walk. He really wants to be carried around. (He’s not a big fan of a stroller, either, and I haven’t brought one to the zoo for a while.) When he was lighter, this wasn’t too much of a problem. He’s getting heavier with each trip, though, and there’s a lot of walking involved with the zoo! Once during the trip, I needed a break and put him down. There was a bench nearby with two bronze raven statues sitting on it. Alex sat and held one of the ravens for a long time and kept saying, “This is my baby.” That’s the way he refers to Patrick now, too. It’s cute. He’s a good big brother.

Alex and the Raven

That evening, we took the kids to our monthly dinner club. With the proximity to Halloween, there was a spooky theme to the evening. Unlike last year’s Halloween that Wasn’t, Alex wanted to put on his costume. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get him to sing The Bear Necessities, his new favorite song.

Getting dressed up

Our friends Ben & Jenny made some great spooky desserts to go with dinner.

Scary Dessert

Yesterday, I took this picture of Alex eating dinner.

Early Childhood Education

There are a couple of funny things about this photo. The first is the obvious: He’s reading the newspaper. He sees me do it at the table a lot, and recently he’s started demanding sections of the paper to read. It’s a different section each day, and once he’s made a decision, he sticks by it. “No! I want that part!” What you can’t tell just from this photo is just a minute or two later, he was looking at the newspaper upside down. He’s far from being a child prodigy. The last thing, amusing to me at least, is I know this was the ultimate in lazy dinners for Alex. The grapes are straight from the refrigerator. The peas are still frozen. In a bowl off-frame are some cold penne noodles we cooked the day before. We didn’t cook a single thing. In our defense, that’s what he asked for for dinner. “Cold noodles! I want cold noodles.”

Oh, and apparently we’ve got some other kid living at our house, too. Here he is.

Molly & Patrick

There are even more pictures here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bdewey/


Written by Brian Dewey.

© 2021