May 29, 2009

Homebase D Picnic

I finally got around to posting the pictures from the Homebase D picnic from two weeks ago. One of the parents in Alex’s classroom organized this trip to a nearby park. In spite of the gloomy weather, all the kids and parents had a great time. (It was pouring rain when we left, but we managed to stay dry while we were there!) They do a school-wide picnic at the end of the summer, but I really liked the smaller and more intimate group.

Speaking of Homebase D, this is Alex’s last month there. He’s going to transition to one of the preschool rooms in June (Homebase F). He’s excited, and he’s ready. There are a lot more kids, a lot more toys, and a lot more activities that will depend on the kids being responsible, like “field trips” around University Village.

View Homebase D Class Picnic

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Written by Brian Dewey.

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