August 10, 2009

iPhone Vacation Diary

While in Oregon, I took one picture per day from my iPhone and posted it to my Flickr site. If you were paying attention, you may have seen these pictures float by. (If you really care about the details of the vacation, and you haven’t already, make sure to click on each picture and read the descriptions.)

Vacation day 7: beach bonfire Vacation day 6: Seaside Aquarium Vacation day 5: Cat in the Hat Vacation day 4: running in the water Vacation day 3: bunnies! Alex and haystack rock Vacation day 1

I work with technology every day, so I take a lot for granted. But I must admit I’m amazed at how easy it is to take photos, edit them, and share them with people all around the country without using a computer. I did this all from my phone.

That’s it. I just wanted to share my slack-jawed amazement at how far technology has come.

Written by Brian Dewey.

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