February 03, 2010

Patrick’s First Haircut

Whoa, forgot to mark a milestone! One month ago, we finally decided that Patrick’s hair had gotten too long. Actually, it was more me that campaigned to get his hair cut. The little red curly wings he was growing next to his ears were just too much for me. When he came out of the bathtub after a hair wash, his wet hair was down to his back. Yes, his hair was (and is) still sparse on the top and the front, at least compared to the other members of his family, but that makes it worse. Really, do you want to see an 18-month-old with a mullet? I took this photo right before he got his hair cut, and you can see some of the Medusa locks on the side.


I don’t know why, but we expected the haircut to be traumatic. It wasn’t. Kid’s Club operates like a well-oiled machine. The kids get to sit in cool cars (Patrick picked a race car), they’ve got boxes of toys for the kids to hold, and they’re fast.

Snip, Snip

Snip, snip… we were done in 10 minutes. No tears, no fussing, no mullet!

After the Haircut

Written by Brian Dewey.

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