March 31, 2010

Back From St. Louis

We’re safely home from our trip to St. Louis. This is was my first plane flight since I dictatorially imposed a travel moratorium that started when Patrick could walk and was supposed to end when Patrick turned two… (Alex resumed being a good traveller on his trip to Maine when he was a little over two years old, so that’s been my yardstick.)

We returned from the trip with no travelling-with-children horror stories, so I think that’s a resounding success! Yes, Patrick was a little fussy on the plane. And no, the timezones did not work in our favor… the kids still thought 6:30 was a perfectly reasonable time to wake up. And of course, in spite of slipping effortlessly into St. Louis time, upon the return to Seattle they stayed stuck in Central Time and woke up at 4:30. But if that’s all we have to complain about, it must have been a good trip indeed!

Photobomb! Stolen Walking Stick Boys Family Visit

Written by Brian Dewey.

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