May 20, 2010

Our Budding Naturalist?

I made a few interesting discoveries about Patrick this weekend. First, while Alex has never show much interest for just taking a walk through the woods, Patrick may be more interested in the woods than in playgrounds. The whole family went to Ravenna playground this past weekend. While Alex remained firmly planted in the sandbox with mom, Patrick wandered off with me, found Ravenna Creek, and followed it through the ravine. All along the way, he kept pointing to the creek and saying, “Daddy! Waterfall!” (There are a few small waterfalls.) That was the second discovery: He knows the word “waterfall.” I didn’t teach it to him!

I took Patrick back to Ravenna today. (He was running a high fever in the morning so we had to keep him home, but by mid-morning he was happy and needed to get outside.) The novelty hadn’t worn off. He had a great time chasing after squirrels and crows, and he eagerly sought out every source of running water he could hear.


I Like Dirt

Written by Brian Dewey.

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